It’s so very difficult but so many benefits. You don’t get caught up in lies, you don’t have to hide who you are, and even when you are cringe you can find comfort in the fact that you are being yoursel.
10/10 would recommend. just comes so damn naturally. magnetizes the people to you who will actually appreciate you for who you are, instead of who you pretend to be. repels the people who'd force you to fake it. It's bullet proof, imo.
i feel like so many people are so insecure or afraid of what others think of them that they’re afraid to be genuine. it’s easier to be nonchalant because then no one can really judge who you ARE. but like. what’s the point of cultivating relationships if they’re only wanting to spend time with your self crafted persona. if we’re true to ourselves the right people will be attracted to that light :)