are you curious about the actress Fernada Torres from I'm Still Here? her filmography is great! start from Sanemento Básico, a great comedy about a community joining together to make a movie to finance the making of a sewage pit. It's soo funny and great political commentary recently rewatched with my family during Christmas and we all had such a great time together.
Jan 2, 2025

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I just saw this movie based on true story of a woman who’s family is separated during a time in Brazil when the country was under military dictatorship. It was devastating and beautiful. it captured beautifully familial joy but also the pains of the reality outside their safe space. I was amazed at Fernanda‘s portrayal in this role. The way she was able to play this character thats so strong yet on the precipice of bursting at any moment and doing her best to keep her family intact. Also loved how they captured Rio and little bits of São Paolo (tho I’ve never been to the latter) parts of this film reminded me of Motorcycle Diaries which I’ve just found out is directed by the same director as this film. few other facts I found out about this film: - the director grew up knowing this family the movie is based on and would frequent visits at their home in which they portray in the film. - Fernanda (the lead actress) just won a golden globe for this role as Best Female Actor in Motion Picture which her mother won 25years ago. I teared up when I found that out. - Fernanda’s mother is also in this role and plays the older version of Fernanda’s character. this film made me cry multiple times throughout in and grew the ache that already exists inside me to go back to Brazil. last year in April I had the chance of visiting Rio and honestly fell in love with everything about it. it felt like home. anyways. highly recommend watching this.
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