Part of teaching people to make sense of an ancient manuscript (in 2025) that was written to a different people group, in a different time, in a different culture and setting, with specific meaning requires nuancing broad ideas and attempting to bridge the gap between middle eastern religion & western post-modernism. The 30-45 minutes I am given rarely covers everything I want to teach and so I spend hours prepping & studying to be able to relay it over in a way that makes sense. A lot of times I know that I’ve barely planted an idea in someone. But sometimes you get someone that locks in and suddenly they get it and it’s the best thing in the world. Case in point — had a guy who had never sat in any sort of religious setting and he got to experience his first ever teaching via my mix of chaos & charts & witty snippets. He approached me afterwards and said, and I quote “You made that Jesus guy seem really kind. He’s actually pretty fucking awesome huh?” — and although I wouldn’t have used that exact phrase to explain the thought, it was clear that he got the main point clearly & concisely. It is a blast to unpack religion + explain it to people in a way that makes sense while simultaneously healing the trauma that I carry from childhood. And if that a person walks out encouraged to love their neighbor more? Or check in on their elderly family? Or give money to a charity that needs it? That’s a job well done.
Jan 3, 2025

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