last year, albeit fantastic, has been a strange one. amidst a large quantity of new people, and new experiences, my life has changed quite drastically. i had a hard time with this, as many do, and spoke to my mom, and my therapist, at length about this before eventually finding that despite my non-existent contentment with this change, it would not stop. me learning to take a tiny step back and adapt to the change, rather than trying to continue life as if it had not shifted, was a real turning point for me. all that being said, it is considerably difficult to "go with the flow" when the change is particularly life altering. however, even if it may feel like these changes may stop your earth from turning, the world will not cease to spin, and time will not stop. hope you had a good day today 🐫 p.s. something else that helped me was trying to be extra grateful for the constants in my life!

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