I’m convinced that this YouTuber based in London is the most criminally underrated artist of our generation. She is able to capture what it’s like to be in your 20s in a big city, just trying your best to connect to your creativity while also doing all the little things you have to do. She uses mainly two different cameras— a nice Sony and an old camcorder— and I love how that creates a multi-textured visual style. Her editing style is superb, lots of fade-in’s and superimposed images. Her needle drops honestly rival Scorsese’s, and her monologues/prose remind me at times of Kerouac and others Babitz. Sometimes she includes cheeky little skits that verge on magical realism. They’re hilarious, while also walking the line between absurdity and Truth. i haven’t been able to find her on social media, but I follow her Spotify because her playlists are insanely good. Linking the video I discovered of hers— but highly recommend diving deep into her other works.
Jan 3, 2025

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This is fantastic! But it needs to come with a warning label for early-20s life crises
Jan 4, 2025
greebo hahaha so true I should’ve thought of that!
Jan 4, 2025

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I recently read a book of letter between Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg, and felt immense jealousy at the fact that I will never have a record of my evolving relationships as robust as that. If you want to be penpals, send me a message! i promise to spill my guts via the written medium & include cute stickers too 🤓
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