Greatest song I’ve ever heard. Every time I think I’m over it I hear it again and it’s pure bliss. It may not be the most perfect song ever but it for sure is infected with the brightest, lightest, most highly contagious energy you’ve ever felt.
mythic quest has a new season
dominic fike is releasing new music
i’m eating with people who like to eat
i work in an art studio
my classes are interesting
there’s heating in my dorm
the sun is shining
life is so ✨ rn
🪼sharing wired headphones
🪼ironing clothes for other people
🪼sharing food but specifically not at a table!
🪼oiling someone else’s/ having someone else oil your hair
🪼laying under a pile of warm laundry
and finally smtg that is weirdly intimate in a way i hate:
🪼sitting in a seat that’s warm from the previous occupant