Magical realism/general spookiness is the perfect genre for short stories, mystery lends itself to brevity. We Have Always Lived in the Castle - Shirley Jackson (158 pages) Our Wives Under the Sea - Julia Armfield (232 pages) Annihilation - Jeff Vandermeer (195 pages) Pirasesi by susanna clarke (245 pages) The Magic Toyshop - Angela Carter (200 pages) (Or even short Angela Carterā€™s Love which is 120 pages)
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Jan 4, 2025

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My favourite short stories tend to be creepy or magical. I think due to the necessary open-endedness of short stories, it lends itself most to mystery and magic. Angela Carterā€™s Bloody Chamber is a great classic creepy feminist story to start with. Carmen Maria Machadoā€™s The Husband Stitch continued Carterā€™s legacy Iā€™m a HUGE Kelly Link fan, but her stuff is very strange so might not be for everyone, but my favourite of hers is probably The Specialistā€™s hat or Skinderā€™s Veil Shirley Jacksonā€˜s The Lottery is also a classic, and if you like creepy stories and want a good overview of writers in that genre, I recommend the collection ā€œWhen Things Get Darkā€, a collection inspired by the tone of Jacksonā€™s work; it features Kelly link, Carmen Maria Machado, Joyce Carol Oates, and loads of contemporary short story writers. I discovered the story Tiptoe by Laird Barron through this and its possibly my favourite creepy short story, it sent full shivers down my spine in a way no other story had.
May 22, 2024
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Iā€™ve loved a good weird, creepy, and/or magical story ever since I first read The Bloody Chamber. Hereā€™s a few I recommend: Stranger things happen - Kelly link white cat, black dog - Kelly Link her Body and Other Parties - Carmen Maria Machado The Bloody Chamber and Other Stories - Angela Carter the Dangers of Smoking in Bed - Mariana EnrĆ­quez When Things get dark - Edited by Ellen Datlow The Frangipani Hotel - Violet Kupersmith
Feb 20, 2024
underrated. its more than just prose or poetry but not as much of a longform commitment as a novel. sometimes a story only needs 10 or 20 or 30 pages. great for people to practice writing, great to write for the sake of writing, can read one in a car ride, so much freedom in short stories. I resent the sentiment that theyā€™re somehow lesser or lower brow than poetry or novel. specific ones I recommend, at least to start: The Fall of the House of Usher (or anything by Poe, heā€™s kinda the goat) The Scarlet Ibis The Metamorphosis The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas The Lottery The Most Dangerous Game
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is gig etiquette dead? Donā€™t go to a gig if you wanna just talk to your mates! go to a pub itā€™s what theyā€™re for!
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