An ointment in some cases lifts you up and reassures you everything will be alright. Plus I find it funny that you would call to let me know. If only the days were shorter. I would place myself where I belong. Seemingly so unfortunate. To spindle and twine. Far from me to unapologetically cross over and look what I found. A bead. Lucky as I ever were, intensional sophisticated lap alike. Saw penance. Arrested in front of the wall. Looking in. Lost afterall.
Proverbially, we've got roads, paths, and places to go in life.
May your journey along your path, across your crossroads, always lead to where you want to go.
I push myself off a cliff, I land on my feet. I wait for a man in white to show up and tell me it’s ok. To lose myself I hang on to what I once was. This is not everything but it’s alot.