omg I cannot draw a horse to save my life. Everything else - no problem, I'll draw something legible enough, eventually with enough practice, but not horses, and I don't know why.
has always been an interest of mine but since im currently writing a 2000 word essay about horses for school i think ive leveled up to hyperfixation levels of obsession
"I ended up finding horses really compelling. They are so big but so nervous. Powerful and fragile. Did you know that horses dislike stepping in puddles? It's because they can't tell how deep they are, and they fear they'll break a leg. Does every horse have to learn this? Or are they born knowing? How do you learn what a feeling means?"
As both a girl kisser and a Horse Girl™, this comic speaks to me on a spiritual level.
Bonnets! The headwear of the future, looks incredible with tiny sunglasses. As a beginner knitter, the pattern was very easy to follow. I fear everyone I know will be receiving a bonnet as their holiday gift this year...