I’ve been wanting a kindle to read my trash literature on. I prefer to have physical copies of books but I’ve been getting into spicy romance books the past few months. It’s not something I want to show off when reading in coffee shops or anywhere out in public. I got a kindle for Christmas and I’m so excited to start using it (once I finish my current read). I only plan on using it for my trash literature. All other books I’m sticking with a physical copy of.
Jan 6, 2025

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The problems nobody warns you about
Jan 6, 2025

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”bUt i LuV a phYsiCal b00K” silence I wake up thinking about my kindle. I take it everywhere with me. On the train? Reading my kindle. At the park? Reading my kindle. In bed at 8pm? Reading my kindle. I also was sick of buying books that sucked and being stuck with an object that took up space so now if I love a book on my kindle I buy a physical copy. Expensive habit but worthwhile imo.
Sep 27, 2024
not condoning amazon or consumption of useless shit in general however this bad boy has single handedly gotten me back into reading. also paired with libby (you can borrow any ebooks from your local library) *chefs kiss* plus if i really really like the book enough i’ll probably buy a physical copy at some point to keep as a part of my library. 📚👩🏻‍🏫 (also might have adhd, not sure if that helps lol)
Jan 21, 2024
The only way I’ll read. Sorry for killing print media but all acclaim for my work has been published digitally so I’m going to be biased! It’s just so convenient and easy. I love to read in the dark before I sleep and you just can't do that with paper! Pulling one of these out in public is definitely crazy and you do lose the slinky exhibitionism that comes from a whole subway car knowing what hardcover title you’re pouring over, but I really think the pros outweigh the cons. Invest in an e-reader and be one with the future.
Nov 10, 2022

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