A perfect film in the perfect WEU (Wensleydale Extended Universe). had a bittersweet moment where I wished my late grandad was here to see it - he taped all the old episodes onto a VHS for me when I was a kid and I nearly burnt a hole in the tape. Pure hit of unadulterated nostalgia.
happy memories of watching these movies with my family, including the new one this year which was AMAZING🫶 it is always beautiful to think about how some things stay with us our whole lives, like our love of certain movies, songs, foods…
Last year I bought something new at the markets each time I visited. This year’s fun resolution is yet to come to me, but I trust it will. There’s no rules to your yearly resolutions, and making them fun and playful helps them to stick. It’s all about being present.
What’s yours this year?
I turned 30 during Melbourne’s marathon pandemic lockdowns so it was a bit of a non-event which just made me realise it’s pretty chill.
Your Saturn Return can be pretty bumpy but once you’re on the other side, things feel like they’re within reach and the world seems brighter and lighter. I enjoy my own company more, want to explore the world and feel more equipped to tackle whatever the universe throws at me.
It may be cringe but I am cringe and I am free!!!