I love doing my friends’ hair and makeup. Dressing up and experimenting with new looks together gives me confidence.
It can also be a safe space to explore and play with gender expression.
Getting ready with friends is my favorite part of a night out.
My friend group has a weekly craft night where we all parallel create our own projects. I look forward to it every time, and I feel so lucky to have friends that inspire me artistically
had friends over - from work, from an art class, from childhood, friends-of-a-friend - for a craft night where everyone brings a craft of their choice to do. So so fun!! nice to have friends meet friends, chat together, laugh! guaranteed good time
🦇I use the little bat emoji when texting
🦇I put little bats on pies and cakes
🦇I cut them out of paper and hang them
on my windows
🦇even my curtains are bat themed
🦇I highly recommend bat videos on