currently: this is spinal tap (1984), dead poets society (1989), peewee’s big adventure (1985), good will hunting (1997)
honorable mentions for my neighbor totoro (1988), cléo de 5 à 7 (1962), it’s a wonderful life (1946), rear window (1954)
Parasite - Saw it 6 times in theaters and it’s honestly a perfect movie in my opinion
Evil Dead 2 - I love Sam Raimi and the combo of horror and slapstick that I think a lot of people might find immature but also those people are no fun
Sorry To Bother You - This is a truly underrated gem in my opinion. Not for everyone but it has such a distinct style and comedy and I really love it. Warning for Armie Hammer jumpscare
Psycho - a classic to show the masses I’m a true cinephile. But for real amazing movie, and especially as a designer I love a good Saul Bass intro
add me on LB @allisonthompson
I’ve been feeling kinda down about my physical appearance for the past month (but really, let’s be real, for the past few years) and I’m stuck home for the holidays w/o a gym membership so I’ve been relying on my sister but now she’s sick. So I have been feeling really lazy.
I’ve been trying to take care of myself in other ways. I have started a better skincare routine and taking medicine for my acne. I am drinking only water, and trying to eat healthy meals, but I‘ve been failing in the snacking department. I am trying to be more food conscious.
I’ve journaled a lot about my goals for this year. Its my first year in my 20s and there are a lot of bad habits and mindsets I want to work on so I can stop making myself suffer all the time.
Well thats it.
I watched Gladiator 2 the other day. I thought it would be more of a bro movie but I actually really enjoyed it. I haven’t seen the first one, but I didn’t really need to in order to understand what was happening.