DW and Al Jazeera are tremendous networks, particularly if you keep in mind the few biases they do have; DW won't criticize Israel, and Al Jaz won't criticize Dubai and Qatar. But outside of that, they have tremendous programs and report on news that US channels won't touch.
Text based news are so important too, Reuters and the absolute GOAT, AP News. For those who don't know, AP is generally the first, at least major outlet, to report on any significant news stories. Literally every other outlet depends on AP as a central source of the bulk of their major news.
I'm one of those people that's been obsessively checking my various news sources throughout the day, for years. It's a very easy habit to begin and to maintain, and it has a tremendous impact on your understanding of the world we live in. Always use a skeptical, discerning perspective, but this is like the filter for the coffee grounds or tea leaves of information.
The End