poem to draw around
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Jan 7, 2025

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Before it came inside I had watched it from my kitchen window, watched it swell like a new balloon, watched it slump and then divide, like something I know I know - a broken pear or two halves of the moon, or round white plates floating nowhere or fat hands waving in the summer air until they fold together like a fist or a knee. After that it came to my door. Now it lives here. And of course: it is a soft sound, soft as a seal's ear that was caught between a shape and a shape and then returned to me. You know how parents call from sweet beaches anywhere, come in come in, and how you sank under water to put out the sound, or how one of them touched in the hall at night: the rustle and the skin you couldn't know, but heard, the stout slap of tides and the dog snoring. It's here now, caught back from time in my adult year - the image we did forget: the cranking shells on our feet or the swing of the spoon in soup. It is real as splinters stuck in your ear. The noise we steal is half a bell. And outside cars whisk by on the suburban street and are there and are true. What else is this, this intricate shape of air? calling me, calling you.
May 7, 2024
“But it is hard to speak of these things/how the voices of light enter the body/and begin to write their stories/how the earth holds us painfully against its breast made of humor and brambles
where we stand in the tremble of thought/taking the vast outside into ourselves” (Directions, 11). 
Jan 28, 2024
By Margaret Atwood. My favorite love poem đŸŒč I would like to watch you sleeping,  which may not happen. I would like to watch you,  sleeping. I would like to sleep  with you, to enter  your sleep as its smooth dark wave  slides over my head and walk with you through that lucent  wavering forest of bluegreen leaves  with its watery sun & three moons  towards the cave where you must descend,  towards your worst fear I would like to give you the silver  branch, the small white flower, the one  word that will protect you  from the grief at the center  of your dream, from the grief  at the center. I would like to follow  you up the long stairway  again & become the boat that would row you back carefully, a flame in two cupped hands  to where your body lies  beside me, and you enter  it as easily as breathing in I would like to be the air that inhabits you for a moment only. I would like to be that unnoticed & that necessary.
Oct 22, 2024

Top Recs from @drsax

I swear I can plank for unimaginable amounts of time while listening to Fiona Apple I don't know why it works but it works and the rush it gives me is unbeatable
Feb 12, 2025
I cannot recommend enough learning how to bake something incredibly well and making it your signature. Bake it once, twice, seven times, learn it well, bring it for your friends, enemies, coworkers—you become a legend. I perfected baklava several years ago and almost every holiday there’s the inevitable request for me to bring some and everyone knows me as the baklava girl and it fills me with so much joy to participate in this exchange of sweets and compliments and I swear it enlivens my ego and awakens my heart and everyone wins and it’s divine
Feb 10, 2025
like 95% of the people who talk shit about modern art don’t even know that nothing made after the 70s even falls into the CATEGORY of modern art! We’re not talking that banana-taped-to-a-wall shit. We’re talking an entire CENTURY of widely diverse and prolific art. If you hate modern art and wanna shit talk it as a whole and understand that you’re including futurism and dadaism and cubism and expressionism and IMPRESSIONISM (while u strut around with your MONET tote bag saying crap like NOW THIS IS THE REAL SHIT), then go right ahead! Nothing wrong with hating modern art but damn at least know what it IS! Like damn can we stop pretending it’s quirky to “only like the classics” already (many of your classics fucking ARE MODERN ART BITCH)! And don’t let me catch u praising shit like Manet, Degas, Renoir, Matisse, Cassatt, Hopper either, because bitch I have bad news for you
Jan 9, 2025