If you need more space, mine are in rough genre across 5 shelves but arranged in height order, so the hardbacks are on one side and the paperbacks on the other, then I slot more books on top of the paperbacks Alternate shelf by shelf, with the stacks you have for the too tall books to break it up
Jan 7, 2025

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Living room shelf, organized by genre so people can browse and borrow easily! Classics, pop science, horror and sci-fi, art and architecture, mythology and folklore, social science/history, and some disorganized bits tbd. and some knick knacks because Iā€™m overflowing with them. Ecology, earth science, and philosophy shelf not pictured :-)

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Sounds weird but look at the lights and shadows around you, where the shadows shift with the wind and where the light changes Makes even led light halogen hell feel nostalgic, everyday just seek out a lil patch of light or shadow
Jan 4, 2025