Completely instrumental and improvisational jazz, blues and funk fusion. Its a cornerstone of African psychedelic rock in my opinion. I highly recommend listening to Minlbelesh and avoiding Bati Bati.

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I recommend it.
I have have grown up listening to Dylan my entire life. Not all of his music, but damn near close. To me, it feels like a perfect sad hug. It may not make me feel better, but I'll feel less alone. But whenever I play his music in front of my friends they just don't get it. They look at me funny and I can tell they don't like it. I love my friends, and I think that they all have great music taste most of the time but now I'm embarrassed and wondering if I got caught up in the aesthetic of the music and he actually just doesn't translate that well decades later.
- podcasts (I like the broski report and the basement yard) - being around animals: go to dog parks, cat cafes, or just pet random animals that you walk past on the street - meditation (sit quietly, deep breaths, calming music) - social media (here, instagram, discord) start sending stuff to your old friends online if it’s too much to hang in person I hope you feel better. I’ve been in a situation very similar to yours and I understand completely. It is so difficult to have to distance yourself from others when you still feel that loneliness. But, since you’re feeling better now, please please please start putting yourself out there again. I promise you that your friends still love you and want to be around you. But you have to be the one to bridge that gap that you created. I hope this helped :)