My brother and I would obsessively play this on the Wii growing up it’s so classic and nostalgic for me, I still play on my switch these days but yea special place in my heart fr lots of great memories came from this game for me
I might be one of the few who had a young cool uncle who kept a Nintendo 64 and let me play Mario Party since I was maybe 5 or 6? I luvvvv Mario Party.
Super Mario Party was good but Jamboree hits!! I love, so much nostalgia, so much fun and I’m not my phone 10/10
I used to play this game so much when I was younger. I still love it now as much as I did then.
Same with Warioland! I was so addicted to those that I even got the GameBoy color night light you can plug in.
yes the switch is fun, but there’s just something about pressing those old buttons, those 2 lil screens, and the treasure town music in pokemon mystery dungeon: explorers of darkness that heals me inside
Favorite movie I watched this year it really made me feel grateful for everything I have while simultaneously relating to Amy in my own ways so it was really comforting yet emotional for me to watch on the plane during tour lol