Since some big life changes that have left me feeling incredibly alone. I’ve had time to reflect on it and I wanted to share what has helped me so far.. 1. loneliness, in its solitude, is an emotion, a way in which we feel. I’ve found it so difficult to stop thinking ‘I have no one and I am alone’. but try to replace it with ‘I am feeling lonely right now, how can I stop this?’ Everything is temporary, including this feeling. 2. Find autonomy with your time. When I became lonely I soon became depressed. A vicious cycle of feeling lonely but only refining yourself to your bed and room. You don’t need to do things with people to help this feeling. Just do the thing! find hobbies and activities that you enjoy first. It gives you more autonomy and confidence. 3. You probably don’t need that person that you think will ‘fix’ the problem. How you feel should not be dependent on anyone but yourself. Any other tips? I still feel like shit. It’s just some realisations I’ve had. *pic because nice*
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You have to force yourself to tackle the hard thing, whatever that means to you. Because the more difficult thing, it’s probably the right thing, or the thing your life needs. I think for me, the hard thing was to submerge myself into genuine solitude. And I’m not talking about like, My Year of Rest and Relaxation or Leaving Las Vegas type solitude… And I am definitely not talking about anything related to the type of seclusion that came with quarantine. The objective here isn’t to isolate yourself to the point of total deterioration or to reject the people who love you. It’s about stomaching the feelings of loneliness that come with deep personal reflection. It’s about enduring the self-imposed boredom that comes with getting to know yourself without any external influence. It’s not about being physically alone (though it is a part of it), it’s just about finding ways to be alone with yourself and who you are, the good and the bad, and really admitting to the bad. And then, what was at first so uncomfortable and sort of embarrassing to undertake will eventually become easy-normal. Everything outside of your solitude becomes so peripheral it’s hard to remember when you existed right in the center of it all. And some people, the ones who really do buy into their socio-infallibility, will probably, yeah, consider you some misanthropic outcast! But, what my friend and I like to joke about as being misanthropy is actually just self-awareness and conviction, and belief in the improvability of everything that is or can be wrong with oneself or others... The world feels constantly disappointing, and people are disappointing, and you’re disappointing, and I am definitely disappointing… But all of that can be improved upon and then improved even more, and more and more… But you can’t improve anything about yourself until you know what it is that needs improving. And even then, knowing is only the first step, knowing doesn’t mean anything if you don’t do something about it. So if any of this applies to you, maybe think about it, do something about it. Leave, find solitude, change what needs to be changed, even if it’s really, really, hard to do that. And most importantly… embrace your cynicism in positive ways instead of in ways that honestly just fucking suck!
Oct 13, 2022
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First thing is that being alone is not just ok but the best thing ever, you get to discover yourself : - Hobbies you like reading/ drawing/playing guitar/watching documentaries/hiking/cycling/etc… - Setting boundaries : when you are alone you will tend to get know yourself more, what do you like in people, what behaviours you don’t like, respecting your own time, etc… - Self development: switching careers, studying something new, learning a language, etc… How to be okay with it ? first thing to do is to try it, don’t over think it, just do it, being alone doesn’t mean being lonely at all. Besides wasting money, think of your energy, being burnt out could be a result of your energy being drained by people, it doesn’t mean that the people you hang out are bad but your inner self might need to just sit in silence, even going to a coffeeshop alone sitting with your headphones on while reading/crafting/sketching or even just watching tiktok could be helpful to reset the energy.
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