if u dig grunge/adjacent sounds then i rec bob vylan, NXCRE, black midi
if language isnt a barrier for u then los saicos, reversing into garage, miserable faith, hijokaidan
pretentious post-hardcore screamo from amherst, mass. in the early 2000s. a lot of their songs are about critical theory.
Maher Shalal Hash Baz
Japanese nativist PSF records, not Really a band just this guy tori Kudo and whoever he has around him. kind of sounds like the velvet underground remixed by a kid playing an accordion.
The Cannanes
Melbourne Indy pop from that sweet spot between the late 80s early 90s. Best tracks use a drum machine, there are some great living room live recordings on YouTube.
(squealing earsplitting japanese punk)
Edward Skeletrix - Skeletrix Language
(my AOTY 2023, psychosis collapse rap)
(japanese hair metal band goes pop in big and experimental ways)
New Radicals - Maybe You’ve Been Brainwashed Too
(one hit wonder by choice, gregg alexander is the greatest living songwriter of our time and he’s been living in the shadows since this writing hits for others)
The Tragically Hip - Day For Night
(canadian legends but almost exclusively in canada, this needed to crossover decades ago. some of the best alt rock ever.)
love when ppl fumble and play it cool, like when a skater takes a nasty dive but just chills on the ground for a minute or two like theyre takin a nap or when someone drops a mug/glass/etc and watches all the peices settle before walking off like that didnt just happen. same for talking, using a phrase the wrong way or mispronouncing a word but doubling down when someone mentions it no matter how obv
10/10 charm factor