work has been a struggle recently because of flu season. to cope, ive been imagining work as a rpg. a little weird, but it makes time go by faster.
this is what is in my inventory.
I love listening to some sort of vaporwave or frutiger aero youtube video while working but something about following along with someone completing their video game tasks has been cozy and comforting.
been keeping my switch with me at all times and taking 5 minute breaks to water plants and catch new bugs to donate to blathers. feels good to pretend to be in control of things!
Originally by Betty Hutton. I love the story of why Bjork covered this song and included it in her second album: Her and her band discovered Betty and this song in a truck shop, and they decided that this would be their pre-game song before every show.
i relate it a lot to going to the airport. youre in a public area, its loud, lots of things are going on, possibly expensive.
also just wanted a reason to show my dog.
one of the most misunderstood pokemon. a pokemon tragically disliked for its uselessness, people forget that with the love and care it can evolve into a strong gyarados. an obvious metaphor, but still really simple enough to appreciate.