This entire album, The Art of Forgetting, details Caroline Roseā€™s break-up from their partner and the heartache that Rose experienced as a result. That heartache is especially felt in this KEXP performance that ends with Rose in tears, singing ā€œYouā€™ve got to get through this life somehow.ā€œ
Jan 11, 2025

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This whole album is full of sparse and emotional piano-driven gems, which allows Spencer Krug's (Wolf Parade, Sunset Rubdown, Swan Lake) brittle poetry to really shine through. This song is steeped in sadness, and to me really just epitomizes the full breakdown of love. The sort that not only destroys a relationship, but also eviscerates your image of self, but also how you interact with your physical reality, and necessitates some introspection and growth in order to pick up the pieces. Love is sort of like light. It needs darkness in order to exist and be appreciated, and I don't think you can really appreciate the highs of the feeling until you've sunk to the depths of its absence. In fact, I think the absence is still love. Love can have a negative or a positive existence, but it's all love, and all part of celebrating the human experience. (There's also a full-band version of this song that is equally good, but in a different ways)
Feb 14, 2024
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yes, we all recognize ā€œsomebody that I used to know,ā€ but not enough appreciation is given to this wonderful gem that sounds like youā€™re crying whilst riding a camel and wistfully smoking a ciggie. so much is going on in this song and itā€™s powerful from both an emotional and compositional standpoint. the lyrics ā€œlove ainā€™t safe, you wonā€™t get hurt if you stay chasteā€ are so beautifully painful and I deeply appreciate music that can completely tear me apart with such eloquence.
Jan 23, 2024
all about feeling stupid and childish after a breakup set to cheerful and lovely diy instrumentation! one of my favourite songs about a breakup
Jan 16, 2025

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Prescriptive gender is a prison. Rather than gender being a form of self-expression, gender is treated as a pass/fail test for how well you can conform to cultural expectations. Since I was young, I remember feeling a great deal of pressure to conform to these expectations around what ā€œmenā€ are meant to be. You like sports, cars, womanizing, aggression, and not having feelings. I felt so distant from this ideal. I was sensitive and shy, and I preferred spending my time being creative in some way For a long time, I felt like I was failing at ā€œbeing a man.ā€ In many ways I was! Because I didnā€™t need toĀ bea man. All I needed to be was myself. Itā€™s taken me a long time to separate myself from prescriptive gender, sharpening in on which aspects of masculine energy I identify with and which I donā€™t. Iā€™m not done yet. Maybe I will never fully be. The self continues to evolve over time, and I suspect aspects of my gender will too.