I got HELLA hours of gameplay on this thing back in the day. They don’t make em like this anymore. Got a leather case for it and everything. Peak entertainment!
I found this at a garage sale for twenty-five cents! Worth every penny. I can play Sudoku all the time & with a groovy orange stylus. You can choose different levels of difficulty & the sound effects are next level. It also just looks so cool? Only bad thing is it's hard to play it outside because of the screen.
Not a “Gamer” or anywhere near that, but my friend bought this when it went on sale and it is so wholesome and fun. genuinely good/tricky puzzles and silliness.
( I played this as a kid on the wii and am impressed with how intuitive my 11ish year old self must have been.)
I’m surprised no one has rec’d this. I was obsessed with this game as a kid. I would get deep in a k-hole of creating intricate road and utility systems. Occasionally I would turn on the infinite money code “rosebud” and go nuts.
Feels drastically underrated. why does it seem like people think this is a strange thing to do…?
Find a spot. Sit. Walk around. Just do whatever. No real end goal.
good shi
You caught me be silly in public.
Yes, I am dancing to the song playing in the market.
Yes, I have a little tune playing in my head.
Yes, I make faces while I have a conversation with myself.
Try it out sometime! Could be fun.
Oh boy. Too little and its worthless. Too much and im gonna explode. Just the right amount...the myriad beauties of the universe unveil themselves and my mind achieves unparalleled states.