As we age, our ever-growing sense of restlessness and angst is hushed and scolded, but instead, let's listen to that ache, maybe even let it thrive.
Jan 12, 2025

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I‘ve really noticed myself struggling with confidence and making bold decisions. Showing up and taking up space. Zooming out has helped but what REALLY works for me is remembering that death and aging is a reality we will all face. There may or may not be life again after this. What harm would I do in this moment being my authentic self? Acting out on courage? Being bold and changing often? Will I turn 80 and realize how much I missed it all? And beyond the existentialism, how can I hold gratitude in the present moment? When dreading a walk; reminding myself that one day as I’m older a simple walk can become impossible. Even tomorrow, my entire life could change and I lose that simple privilege. (knock on wood). Even when you’re struggling financially/broke; how can you still bet on yourself and chase what you want? I think maybe just going after it no matter what? Idk. I know this is simple but just a reminder!!! OUR LIVES ARE LEAVING US EVERY DAY. WE MUST ACT NOW & FAST! THERE IS AN URGENCY IN LIVING YOUR LIFE.
Jan 6, 2025
😳✋🏻hear me out🤚🏻😳 sometimes our dreams are no longer a source of motivation or inspiration and sometimes we cling so hard to them that we cause ourselves a lot of mental anguish and disappointment. We attach our identity to things like getting our dream job and when we don’t get the job our sense of self collapses. Lately I‘ve been thinking a lot about the Jenny Holzer phrase, “Protect me from what I want,” and how it can be so freeing to let desire drop away to remember the things you already have. Such as innate worthiness as a human being regardless of the dream you couldn’t obtain 🫶🏻
Letting go of this unrealistic expectation that we’re all special, exceptional angels destined for greatness. It upkeeps this sadistic need to continually prove our worth. Sometimes a gal just wants to hang out n exist 🫶🏼 Instead, greatness lies in the degree of presence throughout the day - can you sit and be with the wind? can you be ok knowing that this moment is all there ever is? No past, no future, just here and now
Mar 15, 2024

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Performative, peoplepleasing, humorous, entertaining. You are not a media form, you are a human. Behave for yourself and understand that if others enjoy your presence, great. You do not have to mold and shape who you are to fill others expectations. Let yourself simply exist.
Jan 12, 2025