had a friend compare my laugh to a hyena’s and that comment really stuck on me and turned my laugh into an insecurity :( and i frequently will get the comment from my mom to not ”laugh too loud” or to laugh more “ladylike” … and i just saw an interview where neil newbon explains how to do astarion from bg3’s voice and he specifically says that he uses a laugh for him that is “ear piercing, crowd stopping and conversation obliterating” but he then describes the laugh as haughty, raucous but most importantly unapologetic? and that’s really sticking with me now. to remember that my larger than laugh insane squeal of a laugh that is just like astarion’s in “coversation obliterating” levels is also unapologetic. and i deserve to let the world know when i’m happy and joyous

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I used to be so embarrassed by how my laugh sounded but I’m glad I got over that. I love laughter and how a genuine laugh is involuntary, contagious, and forces you to smile. Also love how faking a laugh has the complete opposite connotation. A fake laugh is snide, a false palliative measure, that you can feel is disingenuous. The instinct to distinguish between the two feels cosmic to me. Excited to laugh with my friends this weekend 😌
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Top Recs from @shakespeareneedlefreak

1) i don’t need to be on the lookout for bugs. not my problem 2) it almost is like replicating the feeling of the womb? 3) i am just constantly so overstimulated so like instead having to Seek stimulation (via the shower water, reaching around for my shampoo and stuff) is really nice
yes i have a compliment journal HAHA i am just so difficult on myself and whenever people compliment me i think they’re lying/just saying it to be kind but i’ve been writing them down lately in a journal i have to celebrate that even if they are Lying (which people never are btw and i’m working on believing that) they at least took the time to notice u to formulate this compliment holding space for being noticed and allowing yourself to be appreciated!
and it’s not because i feel superior to others by keeping a prized possession to myself but because i prize it enough to preserve its experience to only be mine when so much of what i do is shared?