“Everything is temporary. Everything begins and ends and begins again.” dir. Jill Sprecher Starring Toni Colette, Lisa Kudrow, Parker Posey, and Alanna Ubach. Stellar performance by the late great Stanley DeSantis: queer icon and goated character actor.
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Jan 12, 2025

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Free on Tubi until the end of the month. A bare indie film from 1998 starring young Toni Colette and a restrained, but peRfEcT Parker Posey - about four girls temping in an office, who find their budding dynamic disrupted by the appearance of an anonymous office thief ! Anyway, I weirdly love it. It’s stranger than it should be allowed to be - and funnier - a good comfort watch. None of us really spend our time in bland corporate office environments anymore, so it's funny and a bit deranged to remember back to when 9-5 was the premiere terror of all creative independent minds.
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