i grew up and slept here my entire life. i envied my friends who lived in a dorm or moved out of their parents' place and dreaded coming back to my room alone after a day out. growing up i hated my room, viewed it as an inescapable place of stagnation, and wanted to leave every second. my relationship with my room changed after slowly decorating it with love: postcards, gifted trinkets, books, framed collages. my room became more special when i frivolously treated it with perfume, a flip clock with a loud motor, an old poster of a British trip-hop group, chairs i really like that remind me of the on-campus library chairs from facebook marketplace. every day i'm reminded my childhood room is my childhood room when i wake up to an exposed closet with a half wooden slide door installed from my parents' bedroom downstairs. my desk created scuff marks on the wall that reveal its former light blue paint. my mom always barges in without a knock, sometimes with a small bowl of fruit. i love this room
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Jan 12, 2025

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one day i was on the work computer and i wanted to find more Fruits Magazines and came across dozens of pdfs on are.na!!! it's catered towards design and architecture students it's the loveliest tool as a casual internet user. it's self financed with premiums (no ads) plus it's minimalistic and easy to use - it organizes pictures, websites, and pdfs into these sections called channels. there is no algorithm it's purely based on hunter and gatherer vibes i started using it recently and have found countless channels of historical zines, 90s/2000s perfume ads, bare bone websites built with just html, old blogs, and so much more. i think perfectly imperfect and are.na are proof that the internet is well and alive! just attached one of the channels i follow it's a collection of vintage Japanese advertisements and graphics :*)
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weird as in cool and eclectic and niche i follow an artist who works with mold, a guy who does art on Desmos, an old guy who makes milkshakes, a collector of Japanese photography, a ginger guy whose name i can't remember but they're super into ancient languages and translation, a number of fashion archivists and fibre artists, and more instagram will be more fun and you will scroll reels less
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