Launching first ever midcult zine and our new bicoastal concert series with a sick lineup, Izzy Spears, CONNIE, pop.fang, Cowboy Lansky. Tickets only $10 come get lit on leap day and spread the word. koreatown
in fact, discovering local bands this Thursday at DNA NYC at Heaven Can Wait x
i will in fact be playing along with a lot of other sick artists. Heaven Can Wait is very cute and there will be a DJ later into the night. Link attached, if you come after seeing this on the app come tell me at the show, it would be very cool :) Doors at 7pm Show at 8pm <3
It's been a while... but he's playing Friday, w/ Violent Pleasures, Fever Spell, and Magic Smoke... at: DSGN CLLTCV
4150 Hamilton Ave
Cincinnati, OH 45223
i’ve done this platonically and romantically recently. and both seem to be working out. i love talking on the phone. we should all talk on the phone more often
i haven’t done this yet, but my dear friend meredith has been testing it out. it’s working for her. i’m always going on and on about how badly i want a pen pal, so i’ll approach someone with this soon and report back