The Moon Random compliments Happy old people Gentle breezes Acoustic guitar The smell of fresh baked bread Second hand shops Dogs Petrichor Beautiful houses Postcards Plants growing in weird places Girls who are unconventionally pretty Nostalgia Appreciation That feeling of stillness in the early morning Feeling seen Good food Holidays I could go on!
Jan 14, 2025

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— untangling a necklace with a needle for someone (my dad used to do this for me when I was younger, felt like such a delicate ritual) — sitting on a couch with someone (aka your current crush) and both caressing a cat that’s between you and the other person …a silent „we’re both here, coexisting, vibing„ moment — braiding someone’s hair (the gentle tug, the trust, the rhythm) — tuning a violin or a guitar (recently watched my friend do this and she was so intimate with her instrument, fine-tuning every string, taking her time… it was kinda mesmerizing) — asking someone about their perfume (I noticed you, I want to remember how you smell) — people in busy public places that close their eyes and hold still for a moment just to soak in some precious sunrays Loved this question!
I like a slight shyness but i also like slight confidence Unique piercings or tattoos are really attractive, or if they do their make up like art and not generically (is that a word?) Unique noses, too! Or when one tooth is missing or their teeth are crooked, i think thats attractive. Raspy or soothing voices, when they speak calmly and at ease I love when a person has big people word vocabulary and knows how to use it. intelligence is really attractive, and it's cute sometimes when they do it in a ☝️🤓 way. When they know more than 1 language, aswell God, when they have "grandma" hobbies like crocheting or baking, maybe even reading (Using grandma really loosely in this context) This could go on and on
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Top Recs from @layla

Video someone you love whilst they talk. Record the sound of the birds singing at your grandparents’ house, the sound of traffic in the distance. Write about literally anything, or even just make notes of what you think. Make shitty art, whether it’s poetry or painting or music. One day, you’ll be glad that you have more than just photos to remember your life by; there’ll be evidence you lived.
May 17, 2024
I can’t cope I need more movies I need to watch them I need to log them I need to rate them I need to review them I need to read everyone else‘s cooler and more witty reviews
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