Been having a lot of fun with Bad Bunny’s latest passion project, so here’s a breakdown of my favourites.
NUEVAYoL - an album that opens with a banger is always a great sign. Showcases perfectly the Latin/pop vibes you’ll find on the rest of the album
BAILE INoLVIDABLE - starts unsuspecting, and then it kidnaps you into a ballroom, forces you to salsa, and finally slaps you with the best piano solo (I dare you to listen to it and not make a stank face)
TURiSTA - I’m just a sucker for a good ballad on the guitar
CAFé CON RON - I wouldn’t mind having this as my morning alarm, Los Pleneros de la Cresta are so much fun
LO QUE SE PASÓ A HAWAii - everything you’ll need for your hispanic vilan era
DtMF - are you in love? I’m in love
LA MuDANZA - if you aren’t dancing yet, you better now