By reading the title you might ask how such thing is possible ? if you want to increase your attention span, first thing to do is to let go of your phone right ? Well yes and no. Your phone can definitely be used in your favor ! - On your phone, set up a Focus mode where only important apps can be on your home screen once you activate it. - Depending on the apps, use them wisely and try your best to search what interest you the most, for exemple : Youtube : search video essays about subjects that interest you Audible : to be able to listen to books Spotify : to listen to your songs while reading a book or an E-book - Set the greyscale, less colors = less interest to hold the phone - A focus mode with only the note app on the home screen, start typing on that screen your thoughts, give up to boredom - yes, you should give up and accept the boredom you created on your phone in order to increase the attention span- - Do not Disturb can be your friend, with less noise -notifications- you would be less interested in visiting the apps. With those baby steps, you could eventually start detaching yourself from your phone. As an alternative, use social media on your laptop and you will discover how less interesting are they on the desktop version, Tiktok desktop version is hard to navigate on site, instagram desktop version is boring, replace that navigation with articles to read, video essays on youtube -yes, video essays again- And lastly -the hard mode- is to go out with your phone, however keep the wifi/mobile data OFF :), set a focus mode titled -digital camera- with only the camera app on your home screen, that way you can enjoy your walk and use your phone to take pictures.
Jan 14, 2025

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Long story short, don't stress yourself when it comes to quitting social media especially cold turkey but what you can do is that implicitly quit social media. You might ask how is that even possible ? and why you need social media ? what you can do is, create other accounts for your social media, a kind of "alter ego" social media where you can express your true self when it comes to what you wanna do and achieve as personal goals. What i would do to achieve that : 1. log out or deactivate your actual accounts. 2. create the alter ego accounts Now the important part is what follows : 3. Immerse yourself in your interest : You wanna read more ? download ebook and use your phone as a digital book You wanna sleep well ? make your phone GREY (activate the greyscale on your phone to make it boring - schedule it for the evening) You wanna learn a new hobby ? here comes your alter ego social media, where you will use the algorithm for your own good, where you will search and interact only with what you are interested in ! You wanna avoid scrolling and walk more, work out more, etc.. ? use a permanent focus MODE where the home screen is empty and only have one of your music players, hide the rest of the apps, make that phone a digital music player only. you want study tips ? use youtube for your benefits, and only use it in navigator mode, never the app. slowly but surely you will start getting bored of your phone and then quitting the usage of that device will be more easy and relevant and soon you will find yourself barely touching it. 4. detaching from your phone : you will soon be picking a book rather than your ebooks because it's more healthy for your eyes, using your study tips with music in the background (here is where you will be using your phone as a music player only again) etc...
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I like to let my phone dieā€” I often donā€™t charge it overnight, and try not to plug it in during the day. If youā€™re able to access work/school through only your laptop, let your phone die, or leave it on the plug in another room. I also delete most apps from my phone for periods of weeks, and minimally use social mediaā€” if this works for you, it can feel very liberating, and makes me feel much less constantly accessible (which I think is a good thing). Something that helps me is thinking about the flattening of correspondence; before social media, if you wanted to communicate to a friend, it was one-on-oneā€” you might write a letter, or call, or email, but what you were doing was conversational and relational. When we use social media, we flatten a lot of individual relationships into one relationship between us and our ā€œaudience.ā€ Instead of sharing a thought or comment intended for one person, and designed for them to reply and continue the correspondence, we put out press releases on our own lives: ā€œthis is what I had for breakfast,ā€ ā€œthis is a meme about my mental health,ā€ and we become part of a passive audience in our friendā€™s lives. We end up feeling like weā€™ve just seen our friends, because weā€™re ā€œviewingā€ their lives, but actually apps leave us feeling very isolated and anti-social. Try deleting your most used social media apps, and also schedule a walk/movie night/coffee with a friend. Outside of radical deletion, pick an audio book to listen to, and pair it with a hands on/tactile activity: you could load the dishwasher, or draw, or try embroidery.
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