the original dopamine hit (maybe? after AOL's "you've got mail")
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Jan 14, 2025

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Most e-mail clients let you set a custom new e-mail sound! Download the AOL “You’ve got mail!” recording from YouTube and set it as your sound! It makes emails much more exciting 📧💾
Mar 10, 2024
last year for lent, me and two pals decided to send each other daily emails. we kept up with it for like 2 months and then got busy and it got sporadic but as of today i have come out of email retirement and we are So Back!!! there is absolutely no dopamine hit from social media that can compare to the excitement felt upon seeing a piping hot, fresh email from a loved friend at the top of your inbox. and writing your own emails? impeccable. like morning pages but on the other end is someone who loves you and who has their own lovely pages to share. it’s such a gorgeous way to find a little time for intentional reflection each day, and to deepen your bond with yourself and some precious people.
May 19, 2024

Top Recs from @gaucheries

maybe there’s nothing wrong with you and there‘s just (many) other factors at play / or it‘s really just that damn phone
Feb 10, 2025
when i worked at the Apple Store / Genius Bar in college, we were trained on "assuming positive intent" from customers and peers. at the time, when i was a shithead 20-year-old, i thought this phrase was such bullshit. of course i can tell when someone has malicious intent, why not respond in kind! but now that i'm a bit older, i've realized the real wisdom behind the idea "assume positive intent" is that, when faced with interpersonal conflict, it's better to take the path of least resistance and keep your cool. for example, if i'm getting kind of annoyed with someone at work and i want to write a snarky email, i find it best to walk away from the keyboard and write my response when i'm feeling less activated. the result is that i can feel good about how i handle my feelings, i reflect better on other people, and i'm being an actual grown up. ;~)
Feb 19, 2025