I’m not a smoker, but the famous (for an improv comedian) Paul F. Tompkins credits this book with making it possible for him to quit smoking. I wish you luck!
I've never really had much of a nicotine addiction. But I read a modified version of this book to help me quit something else. The method really works. Just go easy on yourself as you read it and enjoy the process!
I’ve tried to quit smoking so many times and how it’s recommended to keep taking nicotine through patches or whatever seems so dumb!!!!!! This book is short and you’ll actually quit cold turkey feeling the best you’ve ever felt!
I recently smoked again and I asked ChatGPT to act as Alan Carr and talk me out of it and it worked!!! RIP Alan my favourite brit.
The occupation persists, the oppression persists, the torture persists.
The occupiers are psychotic and their work is never finished.
People who’ve paid attention won’t be surprised by this photo from Gaza.