Funny, weird, existential. Feels like it could have been made this year.
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Jan 14, 2025

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really really good. i thought i wouldn't like it because of the vapid gen-x dialogue but it won me over in the end.
Jan 15, 2025

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getting juuuuust a lil bit silly but not drunk and then walking home yum yum yum no next day ruminating, no hangover, just having a chill time with some friends and going home πŸ‘Œ
Feb 3, 2025
⭐ - a bunch of bizarre games/interactives with a dystopian and anti-caplitalist bent window-swap - shows you the view from random windows from around the world radio/garden - you can listen to live radio stations from all across the world - show you random youtube channels and let's you click through like you're watching an old television marginalia-search - a search engine that isn't algorithmic, shows you niche search results that would typically be pushed to the bottom of other engines thecreativeindependent - articles by creatives, very simplified retro design that feels similar to this site The Magazine Rack at - tons and tons of scanned and archived magazines spanning over 50 years - recommend checking out High Times very fun and oh so 70's
Jan 14, 2025
ie. water, air, sunshine, pruning, noise water: - take a shower - go swiming - drink 8 oz. air: - go on a walk - open the windows sunshine: - get some rays, helps with dopamine! - consume some vitamin c - smile at strangers pruning: - clean up your space - take care of pending grooming tasks (haircut, paint nails, etc.) - do a task you've been avoiding Noise: (fun fact plants grow better when you talk to them or play music!) - listen to a podcast you love - sing a song - give a friend a call
Jan 15, 2025