I work as a store greeter for a very popular department store here in Australia (one that used to have a US presence but is notably now dead there)
I get it. It's boring. It's tiring! It can be shockingly stressful!
You will meet bad, annoying, unreasonable, weird, and generally unsavoury people.
I just got off a day of casual retail work and I know by the end of the week I'll be making pennies compared to what I made at my previous part-time job (which I quit because I was having a bad time but that's a story for another day).
But when you form even the slightest bit of connection with people? Have a pleasant conversation about something mundane? Tell them you like their graphic tee? I love it! It's cool! Having a laugh with folks, exchanging smiles, getting to see how different people really are up close and personal... There's something about it I truly love.
Maybe I'm sipping the corporate Kool-Aid, maybe not. But I just love to talk to people.