sometimes just hearing a “hey guys it’s your friend thinknoodles” during your greek mythology island walkthrough rewatch is the only relaxation technique that works
Binge watching things can be a little unproductiv, but we all need days where we just relax ❤️
I did a whole Wallace and Gromit universe watchthrough in a few days and it was the best thing I have ever done.
The claymation is so amazing and I just love it so much!!
been a while since i’ve gone down a novelty landline phone rabbit hole but highly recommend perusing ebay, facebook marketplace, pinterest, etc. and just looking at the phones if you’re into collectible type things, happiness, etc.
the most beautiful color in the world to me when i was a child. specifically the seafoam green shade from this discontinued crayola marker. never felt more like myself than when i was wearing this color or using this marker. when i feel like i’m out of touch with myself, i like to look for my childhood favorite color while going about my day, makes things feel lighter again