i'm new!! hi!! stumbled on here after seeing someone on twitter mention this in passing!! this is a very lovely place. everything has been so cruel and hateful and mean lately. you'd think given how hard life already is, warm and kind spaces like this would be more common. oh well. it does make things feel more special :)
i'm very shy, and honestly, nothing cool goes on in my life so i doubt i'd be able to rec interesting things. after struggling with my younger years, i feel like i'm only now starting to find the things i like and catching up with everyone else :o especially in terms of art and books and film and games and... everything!! this is kind of embarrassing to admit (it's okay though because anonymity is awesome), but i am only now forming a personality!! it's nice to be here though. very good vibes. lurking here is just as great because it doesn't feel like "doomscrolling"
nice to meet you all!! hello!!