I was tragically born with a terminal case of cantkeepmyroomcleanitis. It’s very common disease among smart, charming, funny, fabulous women. No matter how much my mom pleaded with me to clean my room with a week’s advance notice before guests came over I still found myself, day of the party, frantically shoving all of my belongs under the bed.
It’s been a real source of shame for me throughout childhood and into adulthood. I wouldn’t let people into my room and it was worsened by depressive spells. There was a tiktok trend where girls were sharing their “messy” bedrooms and it’s the most coquettish unmade bed one dress on the floor ass bedroom and they’re like “girl mess<3” … I’m like… my room looks like I’m constantly pissing off a vengeful god and everyday I come home to total ruin… we are NOT the same!!!!
A couple years ago my brother gave me some mushrooms and I was a little worried that having a totally disgusting room might send me down a spiral but two hours later I’m laying in bed laughing laughing laughing saying “oh my god I live in a swamp a beautiful beautiful swamp”. Then I went outside, sat in the grass, and listened to Panda Bear’s Person Pitch 7 times in a row. After that I felt less embarrassment about being so messy because it became so funny to me. Maybe this is actually a rec for mushrooms.
Anyways… I started letting people into my room even when it was in shambles. It didn’t cure me of my slobbery but once I stopped trying to hide my mess under my bed (literally and figuratively) it became easier to manage. In the past I would watch vid after vid of How to Be Organized trying to rectify what felt like a moral failure and if I could just find the right system or spend another $40 at the Container Store I would fix myself. Right now I’m focused on fine tuning. I make my bed everyday even if there’s more clothes on the ground than visible floorboard. I set a timer for 10 minutes and clean. Sometimes I’ll keep cleaning after the time is up and other times that’s all I’m capable of that day. Idk I’m just generally being more patient with myself.
tl;dr: it’s okay to be messy :P (but also absolutely would love recs from former slobs lol)