I'm so stressed about uni applications, entry tests, my school exams, personal statements, SAT, everything. these next 5 months are going to be BRUTAL. guys pls pray I get into my dream unis :((((
i am so tired and burnt out from school and i have only 5 weeks left of college ever and im just trying to enjoy the ride but i am so insanely exhausted and burnt and i must be done soon I MUST keep me in ur thoughts yall i need to get through this and get a mf degree
1. Capernaum
2. Come and see
3. Grave of fireflies
4. Oldboy
5. In the mood for love
6. Better days
7. I saw the devil
8. Requim for a dream
9. All quiet at the western front
10. Whiplash
11. Incendies
12. A pursuit of happyness
13. A beautiful mind
14. Martyr
(look up tw for each beforehand !!)
woke up after a 13 hour sleep, did 2 calculus problems, had tea and kebab for breakfast, have a slight headache, the sunlight feels good, omw to school now, listening to piggypink by Hotel Ugly. hope today is a good day (esp academically) <3