Not to beat a dead horse but google has now foisted integration of itā€˜s Gemini AI into basic gmail / drive functionality. Donā€™t offload your critical faculties to a super computer. Write that email. Use your brain. Every time you feed this thing it will get ā€œbetterā€ and you are training it to replace you.
Jan 16, 2025

Comments (6)

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propanecowboyCan I use this sign graphic for use elsewhere? It sums up my feelings on the whole thing! šŸŖ§
Jan 17, 2025
theclack of course.
Jan 17, 2025
I am so over EVERYTHING having or integrating AI now
Jan 17, 2025
My free, personal Gmail is respecting my settings with all smart features disabled. Meanwhile the work email that I pay Google for decided Gemini still would be enabled even though I turned it off for all users on the domain, and turned off smart features for my specific account.
Jan 16, 2025
bee1000 I donā€™t like or trust any feature that canā€™t be turned off
Jan 17, 2025
it's so discouraging to see it everywhere :( i wish there was some sort of browser or browser extension that gets rid of all AI
Jan 16, 2025

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AI is garbage for so many reasons and none of us should be using it. that includes making art as well as seemingly mundane corporate tasks. itā€™s atrocious for the planet, itā€™s horrific for the uncredited workers who labor to power it, it bulldozes all notions of ā€œprivacyā€ and further fast-tracks the commodification of humanity, and itā€˜s fueling the dumpster fire that is an entire generation of brains raised in the cesspool of the internet.
Jan 13, 2025
A.I. used to make art cheaper and to avoid paying artists is abhorrent. Used to write speeches and summarize books reduces the practice and makes the accomplishment meaningless. It cheapens the process and provides no value. The way itā€™s being advertised is nothing short of disgusting. Google aired an ad where a father uses A.I. to help his daughter write a letter to her favorite athlete. Why are you shortcutting time spent with your daughter, teaching her how to put emotion into words, helping her work through something challenging? Itā€™s soulless dreck. Iā€™m tired of hearing about it, talking about it and thinking about all the ways it can ruin society. Since corporations and industry insist on shoving it down our throat, I think itā€™s (as always) our responsibility to demand better. The linked essay made me reconsider the use of it as a tool to expand, as you put it, as long as itā€™s not used to enable laziness and shortcuts.
Jan 14, 2025
Boo I hate the outsourcing of labour! Was reading an essay/talk from Stephen Fry and wanted to share ā€œWe have long been used to thinking of technology as being ethically neutral, lacking moral valency. The same press can print Shakespeareā€™s sonnets one day and Hitlerā€™s Mein Kampf the next. The devices are not capable of making decisions, either aesthetic, ethical or political. The NRA likes to say the same thing about guns. Ai however is different. Intelligence is all about decision making. Thatā€™s what separates it from automated, mechanically determined outcomes. Thatā€™s what separates a river from a canal. A canal must go where we tell it. A river is led by nothing but gravity and if that means flooding a town, tough on the town. Aiā€™s gravity is its goals. Unsupervised machine learning allows for unsupervised machines ā€” and for the independent agents that flow from them.ā€ž

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to me this is one of lifeā€™s most simple joys - especially during the winter. The combination of not driving + the heat from the pie keeping your legs warm + direct pizza fumes provides a precious and rare sensory experience
Jan 22, 2025