Think about it ; most successful movies these days have boring-ass, one word titles : Barbie, Oppenheimer, Wicked, Sonic, I could go on... It seems no one dares to give interesting titles to their films.
To counter this, I now offer you a short list of the names of Les Blank's documentaries. The man notoriously knew how to name his films, AND he looked like a pirate from the seventies, what could go wrong ?
1. A Poem Is a Naked Person, about Leon Russel, a GROOVY singer from the depths of the 70s
2. Garlic Is as Good as Ten Mothers, you guessed it, it's about garlic
3. Burden of Dreams, The making of Werner Herzog's Fitzcarraldo, you may have seen a delightful clip of this film were Herzog rants in the rainforest
4. God Respects Us When We Work, but Loves Us When We Dance, general hippie tomfoolery
5. Werner Herzog eats his shoe, about losing a bet (and Werner Herzog !!!!)
All this to say people should really put more thought into naming their films, books, music etc, because it's so much more fun !!
Also just in general, if you've been wondering about American culture (can it even be defined ?) I highly recommend these films. Take a deep dive in the music, food, rituals of hippies, immigrants, suburban families... in the 70s, watch Les Blank !