It really hit close to home, after watching I felt so many emotions all at once. I don’t want to give it away but I (unfortunately) related with the main character too much. Does that ever happen to anyone after a movie?
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Jan 17, 2025

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me too dude. really fucking devastated me afterwards. just suddenly felt profoundly sad and lonely idk. wonderful movie tho.
Jan 30, 2025
i related a lot to him too, made it a bit of a hard watch. adore this movie
Jan 17, 2025
forevercherry any film that makes you feel that much is a great film imo
Jan 18, 2025

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I just watched this movie and it was so cool and nostalgic at the same time. It is at times watching a movie within a movie and it is set in the 90s. It also touches on queer/ LGBTQ of do you accept yourself or do you hide who you are.
Feb 24, 2025
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(maybe spoilers!$) I saw this movie last night. I wasn’t expecting surrealist cinema with this one so it surprised me in a really pleasent way. Luca really knows how to move the camera and even tho it wasn’t as flashy as challengers it’s amazing how his hand guides you through the scenes. in a movie with a lot of confusing scenes and weird symbolic, oniric secuences you never feel abandoned. I liked the theme of becoming one with someone else. and how that is a spiritual pursuit in a way. it’s also trying to say that we are all ready one with everybody and the universe, but very subtly. Like with all good surrealist art, dreams and trips have real power and meaning, and even tho I didnt understand everything I think in these type of movies is better to just experience it like a dream. i have never read anything by boroughs or the beat generation but I know about the bc they lived in my city in the 50s. shoutout México city. And I know that boroughs killed his Mexican wife here. Now I really want to read the novel or something by him but there’s to much shit to read. Overall a good experience and a good movie. Recommended if you like weird but beautiful movies!!!!!
Dec 18, 2024
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The unrealistic visuals and the slightly artificial appearance of the atmosphere didn't click with me at the start, but the more l watch, the more I understand that it was more of a choice, the purpose behind it, and what it really reflects. This is about desperation, confusion, addiction, obsession, and the big gap between reality and both delusion and illusion, and that’s where the visuals made sense.. Also, it is really hard to break free from what you've been seen through as an artist, especially for a big one like Luca; he kind of created his own print but still made it with new and different approaches and still nailed if that makes sense. ps; Daniel is such a gift
Jan 17, 2025

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I’m going in an inpatient program for maybe three weeks before I go to an outpatient program and live in an apartment with someone to help get back on my feet. On August 20th I was in a near fatal car accident on the way to work, I lost my car and my job all in the same week. I’ve been so depressed I would go a whole week at times without taking a shower or doing anything and then starting abusing stimulants again for the dopamine, it’s been a toxic cycle but I’m ready for it to be over and even though I’m scared I’m also excited to get my life back.
I’m struggling mentally and decided to get help
Dec 19, 2024