one of my childhood pleasures that have stuck w me since. i love realizing i own 2 things of the same nature and deciding to expand my collection HOWEVER it needs to be a sincere collection (something u build over a long period of time and where each item has a little backstory) as opposed to an artificial one (getting 30 items in one go from the same place.) so far i have a silver rings collection and a "rocks that have a strange shape or pattern" one!
Jan 17, 2025

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Having a collection of a specific item a fun and rewarding pastime that gives you something to buy as a souvenir when you're abroad instead of some tacky gift shop garbo, but more importantly, it gives people more opportunities to give you gifts. I collect vintage Playboys (sex appeal), crystals (not for the mysticism, I just like geology), and hands (glass, wooden, pendants, etc). Now when people find one of these items, they will think of me and get it for me as a gift. Create as many opportunities to receive gifts as possible, as it's many people's love language. They won't be so embarrassed to gift if they can play it off like they're just adding to your very important collection. Cultivate opportunities for love to grow.
Nov 7, 2023
paginate your life with collections of physical objects. Creates a lovely physical instantiation of a psychic moment in time.
Feb 20, 2024

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