one of my very dear friends showed to me!! she always knows the best apps!! i consider myself quite offline (very private finsta as my only presence on ig for example) so i only hear about things through word of mouth really, like in generalāevents, trends, places, etc; i like it way better this way, i like being slightly out of the loop, it keeps me sane, even if sometimes im a little late (this does not embarrass me). anyway this app has kind of switched things up for me because not only am i learning of things at a much faster speed, but i feel very public with my presence & am sharing a lot with strangers which i am not used to anymore (i was hyper online as a teen & younger adult, but a few years ago decided to retreat for mental health reasons). it is such a lovely and sweet and smallish community here though that i feel like i am in a little warm nest not lost out at sea!!! i feel like i can really share here without fear and it is actually fun! ^___^