i've never been to this place before but it brought back a certain magic that feels so lost especially in my small town. they have an additional seating room with a piano, bookshelf to borrow from, chess table, and a handful of bar-style games to play!! it really brings back that "third place" sort of feeling that i've missed so desperately. bring back places to just sit and authentically engage with your hobbies, interests, friends, strangers, etc
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Jan 17, 2025

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The coziest jawn in Harvard Sq. They used to let you play the barista in blitz chess for a free cup of coffee, but I think too many baristas got beaten by the Smith Center chess gods so they don't do that anymore. But the vibe is still there. Former beatniks, current cool kids, and the rare Harvard student without their laptop. They turn into a wine bar on weekends, too.
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board game cafe in the village, pay by the hour / person - they have a *really* big collection of games, as well as drinks. also the chess forum, which is $5/hour and has a lot of really cool + beautiful chess sets to look at (and is a palestinian-owned business) also, coffee shops; caffe reggio in the village is ~100 years old and has great vibes (but not great coffee), think coffee has good vibes and great coffee
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My favorite coffee shop in town Moody vibe, great music, lovely people and some sick-ass punk shows I like being able to sit down and concentrate, but also feel like I'm part of a community hangout. Seeing people come in and out, bump into old friends, play music on the patio and hug each other brings a wonderful sense of love and mutual enjoyment Shoutout Thea for giving me free coffee
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Top Recs from @alleywayflowers

alright, tik tok is officially down. whether it comes back or not doesn't matter, due to it likely being purchased by meta and becoming a propaganda machine. so what do we do now? what do i do with all these feelings? firstly, delete instagram, facebook, and any other meta/amazon apps. leave your account up, just delete the app. leaving dead accounts open costs more on their end. second, put your money where your mouth is! no amazon purchases, only buy necessities, and shop small whenever possible. money is power, and we need to prove that THEY are meant to serve US, not the other way around. third, physically document everything you can. every piece of news, every update that feels relevant, jot it down. doesn't have to be neat, doesn't have to be very descriptive, just take notes! create and keep a timeline! fourth, participate in your community. talk to strangers, start conversations with anyone and everyone about anything! join a library, educate your friends, volunteer. shelters, food pantries, local politics, etc. fifth, MAKE ART. create create create. any form any medium it doesn't matter! art is what connects us through time, what marks human struggle and human resilience. finally, make yourself known. join local protests, sign petitions, go to city council meetings, participate in local law if it's possible in your area. be outspoken on whatever social media takes over, and in real life. we will get through this, nothing is going to explode overnight, take it day by day, and take care of yourself too. stay educated, stay vigilant, and be brave. do it scared. you are not alone, we must be united in this effort.
Jan 19, 2025