The 9th doctor is my absolute favorite doctor for a lot of reasons. I might be biased since he's the first doctor I had the honor of watching BUT STILL. Firstly, this is the first time we meet Rose, an absolutely lovely personality, just the right amount of oomph and kindness. The 9th doctor just adores everything and everyone, even when he hates them, which makes them a perfect match. Christopher Eccleston does an amazing job at showing the switches in the Doctors emotion. We see him giggly and ecstatic and the next second, serious and haunted. He just carries a feeling of history with him. David Tennant did an absolutely brilliant job at bringing that to life as well, even adds to it when it comes to Rose. But I just have a soft spot when it comes to the 9th doctor, he's severely under appreciated.
recommendation image
Jan 18, 2025

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(Spoilers btw) Rogue is probably my favourite fifteenth doctor episode so far tied with Boom; I loved Boom because it was a new episode properly felt like doctor who (not to say that the other ones havenā€™t been amazing too) and I thought the vibes were just immaculate. But ROGUE!! So to start with I love how we have aliens that just look like humans crossed with animals again, but obviously weā€™ve gotta talk about our main man Rogue. One of my first thoughts about him was that he couldā€˜ve become the doctorā€™s companion, sorta like how Jack joined nine and Rose, and also that he might be a time agent or might have previously been one, once again like Jack; this then also leads to the idea that the person that he lost could have been Jack if they were working together as time agents, which might then lead to an explanation of Jackā€™s memory loss if the doctor finds Rogue at some point. Iā€™ve also seen people thinking that Rogue could be ā€œthe one who waitsā€, but my current theory is that ā€œthe one who waitsā€, ā€œthe oldest oneā€ and ā€œthe big bossā€ are all the same person, as well as the new boss Rogue said he had. Another thing Iā€™ve seen a few people saying comparing Rogue and fifteenā€™s relationship to Jack and nineā€™s is that theyā€™re everything they couldā€™ve been but werenā€™t because it was 2005, but I disagree that theyā€™re really all that comparable because Jackā€™s whole thing (when heā€™s first introduced) is that he openly and obviously flirts with everyone, but itā€˜s clear that Rogue only likes the doctor and they match each otherā€˜s level of flirting, whereas nine just goes along with what Jack does. I also thought that it was obvious from when you could tell that Rogue and the doctor had a connection and the two of them talking about travelling together that Rogue wouldnā€˜t survive the episode (by survive I mean that he wouldnā€˜t end up leaving with the doctor and Ruby). As much as I donā€™t absolutely love Ruby yet as I donā€™t think weā€™ve been able to get to know her enough yet, I thought it was really cute when the doctor called her his best friend <3 , and before seeing that sheā€™d tricked the chuldurs I thought there was a possibility that we could get an episode of Rogue and the doctor looking for her, but now Iā€™m obviously hoping for Ruby and the doctor to find Rogue at some point. I do think that Rogue could come back at some point (finding the doctor) because his character was big enough to the story and to the doctor himself that I think heā€™d be significant enough to bring back as a part of a bigger plot arc, and I also think that he could become a villain. This was meant to just be a recommendation for the episode but I accidentally ended up analysing half of it oops
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I hope the new oneā€˜s not shit but regardless itā€™s been fun having it back in the ā€˜zeitgeistā€™. theres on specific bit of the new theme thatā€™s really good
Jan 24, 2024
A true deep cut fave. Starts slow, but turns into one of the most groundbreaking pieces of sci-fi (and TV). Dark, challenging, emotional and way ahead of its time.
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