what does your handwriting look like? how do you sign off? how do you - or do you not - dot your 'i's?? i want to know you all through a handwritten note, i want to know you that much!!
Jan 18, 2025

Comments (3)

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it'd be so cool if we could attach pictures to comments!! I write in all caps, I do a line through z's and 7's and my e's look like backwards 3's. people's handwriting and penmanship is so interesting to me!
Jan 19, 2025
My handwriting looks better but is virtually unchanged from how it was when I was 12 years old. I can write in cursive but it looks so scuffed lol. I put lines in 7’s and 0’s
Jan 19, 2025
My sign-off when writing handwritten notes to my friends is “with all my person” or “with all I am”. 😃
Jan 18, 2025

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i absolutely adore looking at people's handwriting, legible or not. i love neat script and i love chicken scratch. it is personal and intimate because it's your own but also something you picked up along the way from all those around you! the ways i've written f's, g's, a's, and so on have changed over time from observing other people's neat ways to write them. it is so beautiful to be able to recognize someone's handwriting tbh bc it means handwriting holds so much personality. if it's hard to read, i don't care. i'll ask you what it says. i'll pick up the nuances of your handwritten alphabet.
Dec 9, 2024
recommendation image
the lines(/dots) mark the end of my descender space!!! not my bottom line!! (i researched handwriting terminology terms 4 this post) i feel like it’s more readable…….. plus it makes me write super small, which is not only satisfying but paper efficient :)))) this is the only photo of my handwriting i hav on hand so ur getting a peek @ not 1 but 2 journals
May 10, 2024

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