my friend and i made shirts for the mj lenderman show we’re going to next weekend!! and we spent many hours doing it and i think they turned out so cute. here’s mine!!
i made a poster for a friend’s show, and the employees at the venue put the design on their shirts 🥹. also was really rewarding to hear fans at the show say they wanted shirts like theirs (i guess we will have to work on that!)
i love cutting and gluing and sewing and ending up with something unique and so me at the end. i make them for special occasions like concerts and costumes (the 7 is from when i was the robber in a catan halloween group) or just wanting to have a shirt with an inside joke on it :D i cannot be trusted in a joann’s lol
my friend threw a halloween party and i drew everyone i remembered on a tote bag and gave it to him as a bday gift. now all our other friends are mad jealous and it's the talk of the town
i went to loch ness today!! i’ve wanted to go there ever since i was a little kid reading my monsters and cryptids book from the book fair cause i was a freaky little spooky kid. did not see any monsters but i bought a little figurine from the nessie hunter guy in dore :)