i have a little routine i like to do on certain days when im feeling empty, a little yearning, overall namelessly melancholic. i like to put on my coat and my book bag and my headphones, go to a coffee shop a few steps from my house, and get an early grey tea and a parmesan pesto stuffed bagel.
then i walk ten minutes to the end of my street to this little place i call my own. it's a rock about 20 feet tall, two minutes walking distance from the road. from there i can look across all of the neighborhoods that defined my childhood, at the backs of houses and tops of trees and dogs in the back yard.
i usually spend about an hour up there, reading or drawing or what have you. and today is the exact sort of day that calls for a walk like that. some rock time if u will. unfortunately, it's the middle of winter, as cold as a witches tit out, and i have plans from 10 am till 10 pm. usually i take that walk to cure the longing in me, now i long for the walk lol
(pictured below; the only photo i have of the view, taken early july)