10/10 folk album, it's incredibly intimate and thorough my fav song is half return (ty to that one talking stage for showing me her solo work)
Jan 20, 2025

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i love this album as well 🩷 its soooo cuteee
Jan 20, 2025

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very yummy album 10/10 think about it a lot
Oct 2, 2024
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Florist’s self-titled is gentle, sonically diverse, and poetic. “Someone told me once ’you better not let this pass’ Sometimes I think I have too many pasts So what do you think, should we just be here on the land? Listening to the sounds of life around us pass Careful not to tread on anything needing rest” from “Feathers” It’s a quiet, folky spirtualism. There are also these ambient, field recording-y interludes sandwiched between songs, and it’s so, so good.
Aug 16, 2024

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okay, so this is a french animated movie that came out in the 70’s, based on this sci fi book written in the 50’s. it’s about a world where humans live on this planet dominated by giant aliens, and the story follows one human named Terr. it’s awesome and if you’re into animation this movie is for you. i had to watch it two times for it to really click for me, the first watch i was too distracted by the music and the animation to really understand what was going on. there is some nudity (female alien’s boobs out the entire time) but like it’s just to show that the world has no relation to human culture. the fashion outfits are so weird and i love them, and the movie is a very obvious allegory once you finish it. the soundtrack is fucking awesome, i beg y’all to give this movie a chance. i’m not sure if it’s popular or not in france but i certainly had never heard of it. it’s such a hidden gem!
Jan 22, 2025
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Artisans‘ work being weaned out due to subdividing their work to less expensive and unskilled labourers is the biggest travesty we have made in the modern age. Where factories mass producing materials to meet the increasing demand for faster results pushed aside all beauty of the industrial world. We will never get buildings like the Notre-Dame de Reims, or St. Vitus Cathedral, or even the Burgos Cathedral because we no longer pay people for their skills. We no longer the beauty of creativity, such as the art of staining-glass to then create beautiful window art that would hang high and filter through sunlight in the most colourful glorious way for further generations to come to also stand in awe and admire the intricate pictures made from glass. Or even stone masons, who have the ability to create life within an inanimate object with intricate designs, to forever line marbled walls. We have lost the beauty and art of gothic structures to high rise buildings and basic 4-walled houses made of plaster and fibre-glass because we no longer value art as well as an individual‘s skills. I’m mad.
Jan 20, 2025